Tipton Health supported the launch of the the Henry Ford Health Wyandotte journey to nursing excellence with a nursing leadership retreat and comprehensive current state assessment utilizing the Tipton Health Nursing Excellence Assessment Tool™.
Priorities were established to propel the nursing team’s vision for nursing excellence. Using this information, Kim Meeker, MBA, BSN, RN, NEA-BC, VP & CNO, Henry Ford Health Wyandotte and her team established a CNO Advisory Board, redesigned the Shared-Decision Making structures and strengthened the nurse leader work environment.
The results of this work led to an 27% improvement in Shared-Decision Making, 16% improvement in the Nurse Leader Work Environment and a 45% improvement in Nurse Leader Communication and Visibility.
“Tipton Health has been an incredible partner. Their team helped us develop strategies and align resources for our Magnet® journey.”
Kim Meeker, MBA, BSN, RN, NEA-BC
VP & CNO, Henry Ford Health Wyandotte