Pathway to Excellence Consulting Services
Tipton can help you create an environment that will help your nurses provide
the very best care and achieve Pathway to Excellence® designation.
Tipton Health will analyze key nursing excellence structures and processes to provide you guidance on priorities, gaps and needs. We will use the information to provide you with a realistic schedule for your journey to nursing excellence and Pathway designation.
Nursing Excellence Consulting
We will partner with you to strengthen and enhance your professional practice environment. We implement your vision for nursing!
Document Review
Our writing team will ensure you submit the strongest possible document. We have a deep understanding of the requirements, as well as the latest updates. We prompt your team for missing information and tell your writer exactly what is needed and where it belongs in the narrative to showcase your accomplishments.
Pathway Education
- Alignment Work Session – Our expert consultants will engage your stakeholders in identifying and celebrating their nursing excellence achievements and narratives while creating a blueprint for Pathway success.
- Writer’s Workshop – Educate your writing team on how to best meet the Pathway document requirements.
- Pathway Coordinator Mentoring — We will match your coordinator with a highly experienced Tipton consultant to help them develop the skills to drive nursing excellence and guide your organization to successful designation.
Pathway Survey Preparation
Our Practice Survey will help your nursing team prepare for the actual Pathway survey, while giving you valuable insights into your nurses’ Pathway education needs.
Customized communication campaigns help explain the importance of the Pathway survey and help boost participation.
Nurse Consulting
and Coaching
Nursing Excellence Assessment Tool (NEAT) and Program
Nurse Engagement
and Satisfaction
Strengthen Your Hospital’s Nursing Professional Practice Environment
Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you focus on nursing excellence and create a customized plan to achieve Pathway to Excellence designation.