It’s Time to Hope Again
Return Joy and Meaning to Your Nursing Teams
As the Nurse Leader Goes, So Goes the Nursing Team.
What happens when nurse leaders, the very people charged with creating an engaging and supporting environment for Clinical Nurses, are themselves struggling to make it through each day?
Nurse satisfaction slips. Patient satisfaction and outcomes start to slip. Nurse retention drops, while costs rise. External pressures increase.
We can help turn this situation around and return joy and meaning to your nurse leaders.
Using evidence-based processes and the best practices from more than 200 Magnet hospitals, we have developed customized solutions for your Nurse Leadership team. These services can be bundled into a Nurse Leader Care Plan, which will be customized to meet your team’s unique needs.
Following are some of the available services to return joy and meaning to your nursing team:
Tipton Health Nurse Leader Solutions:
- Initial planning and environmental review
- Nurse Leader Work Environment Assessment using the proprietary Tipton Health Nursing Excellence Assessment Tool© and process
- Nurse Leader Infrastructure and Organization Evaluation and Optimization to give nurse leaders back time to do the things they love.
- Two-Day On-Site Launch Event/Retreat with Nurse Leaders
- Root cause evaluation, including onsite focus groups, interviews, and meetings
- Customized “Transition to Transformational Leader” Education Series
- Nurse Leader Coaching and Mentoring
- Nursing Strategic Plan development
- Executive Nursing Consulting and Communications support
- RN Satisfaction project planning
- Nurse Leader recognition program development
- Action planning and execution support
Active Projects
- Nurse Leader Work Environment Assessment and Remediation
- Nurse Leader Infrastructure Optimization
- Nursing Organization Assessment and Restructuring
- Nurse Leader Professional Development
- Interim MPD Placement
- Nursing Strategic Plan Development
- Nursing Excellence Assessment Tool Implementation and Action Planning
- MPD Mentoring
- CNO Coaching/Mentoring
- Nurse Leadership Strategic Communications
- Nurse Engagement Survey Analysis and Action Planning
- Nursing Excellence Team Education
- Nursing Excellence ROI Calculation and C-Suite Presentations
- Magnet4Europe Leader Education
- Nursing Leadership Retreats
Learn How to Engage with Your Nurses Today!
For case study information or to learn more, please CONTACT US.
![Sad, sick, overworked, female health care worker](
The Real Cost of
Nurse Leader Burnout …
38% of
Nurse Leaders
Intend to leave their position within 6 months.*
Is the estimated annual cost of burnout in nursing.**
![We did it together!](
Nurse Leaders Need More Time to Do the Things They Love***
- Mentoring and leading staff nurses
- Being with patients
- Having time to be creative and cultivate ideas
* AONL COVID—19 Longitudinal Study
** Muir, K. Jane; Wanchek, Tanya N.; Lobo, Jennifer M.; Keim-Malpass, Jessica, Evaluating the Costs of Nurse Burnout-Attributed Turnover: A Markov Modeling Approach, Journal of Patient Safety, 2021
***Joy and Meaning in Nurse Manger Practice
JONA Vol. 51, No. 1 January 2021 Retrieved 4/1/21