Welcome to Dr. Scott Croonquist

Tipton Health, the nation’s leading nursing consultancy, announced today the continued expansion...

Tipton Health and Kirby Bates Strategic Alliance

  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tipton Health and Kirby Bates Associates Announce Strategic Alliance...

Welcome to Dr. Tanya Carmichael

We welcome highly experienced nurse educator and leader, Tanya Carmichael PhD, RN, RNC-OB, to...


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from the experts at Tipton Health Communications.

How to Retain Gen Z Nurses

Generation (Gen) Z nurses are different: They expect immediate feedback and a clearly identified career path likely focused on a specialty. They place great importance on work-life balance with a strong tilt toward “life” over “work.” They are somewhat anxious about the world and the future.

And, in a particularly foreboding sign, Gen Z nurses are abandoning nursing in high numbers during their first years in the profession.

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Summer 2022 Nursing Excellence Newsletter

Summer 2022 Nursing Excellence Newsletter

In this edition of Tipton Health’s Summer 2022 Nursing Excellence Newsletter, our executive nursing excellence consultants address some of the topics that are top-of-mind for nurse leaders right now. From an overview of four key areas that will impact the nursing profession into the future to a fresh look at alternate care deliver models—we’ve got you covered.

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Summer/Fall 2021 Magnet Newsletter

This edition features an interview with Mary Del Guidice — Tipton Health’s first-ever Chief Nursing Officer, recommendations on how to prepare for your next Magnet® designation, and other tips and insight from the experts at Tipton Health.

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