Our latest thinking on Transformational Nursing Excellence™ and nursing leadership.
Monthly insights into achieving Magnet,® designation
Find tips, tactics and information from our highly experienced Magnet validation team on how to successfully prepare narratives, data and evidence for designation.
The Tipton Health Nursing Excellence Blog
Nurse leaders and clinical nurses are struggling in the current nursing work environment. Involve your nurses in advancing their profession and producing better outcomes. Create a communications structure for you and your leadership team to create an interesting, exciting and aligned work place.
Nurse Hero Stories
Where would we be without the miraculous efforts of our nurses, who have given so much to protect us all? Read and view the personal firsthand accounts of these nursing heroes.
Nursing Leadership Webinars
Become a Transformational Nurse Leader
Hear from your nursing leader peers on timely topics and best practices in transformational nurse leadership.
Nursing Excellence White Papers
We are committed to advancing nursing practice and will be publishing white papers as a resource to the nursing community. Please feel free to download and share!